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Brianna Janes

Brianna Janes is a writer, reader, competition judge, and freelance story analyst. She has placed in several contests, most notably as a finalist in the 2016 Script Pipeline TV Writing competition. Starting as a reader in her freshman year of college, Brianna has read over 10,000 scripts in the last six years. She has consulted at CAA, worked in development at NBCUniversal, and has found a home at Pipeline Media Group.

Widows: Film Review

By Spotlight: Film & TV Reviews
Released - November 16th, 2018 Written By - Gillian Flynn, Steve McQueen Directed By - Steve McQueen Starring - Viola Davis, Liam Neeson, Michelle Rodriguez, Daniel Kaluuya, Colin Farrell Runtime - 129 minutes Genre - Heist / Thriller / Drama What makes a marketable idea? If you’re a filmmaker, or a writer---and if you’re on this site, you probably are---you’ve probably received this critique at least once in your career: "I like the idea, but it needs to be more marketable." On the surface, you probably have a basic understanding of what that means. It needs to appeal to a certain demographic. It has to have a strong, easily pitchable concept. It has to be fresh and new. You also probably have this sinking feeling in your stomach when you get that critique: the second something becomes "marketable," it loses everything that makes it unique and meaningful, right? If you…
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Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind: Film Review

By Spotlight: Film & TV Reviews
Released - March 1984 (Japan), February 2005 (U.S., English Dub) Written By - Hayao Miyazaki Directed By - Hayao Miyazaki Starring - Japan: Sumi Shimamoto, Goro Naya, Yoji Matsuda, Yoshiko Sakakibara, Iemasa Kayumi. English Dub: Alison Lohman, Patrick Stewart, Shia LaBeouf, Uma Thurman, Chris Sarandon Runtime - 117 minutes Genre - Anime / Sci-Fi / Fantasy Even avid Hayao Miyazaki fans tend to overlook his oft-forgotten sophomore feature, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Adapted from Miyazaki’s manga of the same name, Nausicaa follows a young princess (of the same name) as she becomes embroiled in a war between post-apocalyptic fiefdoms, all while trying to stop an environmental disaster that threatens the last vestiges of humanity. In order to save her small kingdom from war and environmental ruin, Nausicaä must discover a way to bridge the gap between man and nature before it’s too late. Nausicaa is the princess…
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8th Grade: Film Review

By Spotlight: Film & TV Reviews
Released - Aug 8th, 2018 Written By - Bo Burnham Directed By - Bo Burnham Starring - Elsie Fisher, Josh Hamilton, Emily Robinson Runtime - 94 minutes Genre - Dramedy / Coming-of-age A beautiful, uncomfortable portrait of everyone’s most traumatizing school year, Eighth Grade follows Kayla, your typical, uninteresting 13-year-old girl. Online, she creates videos to express herself, giving advice on topics she is woefully unqualified to talk about, such as: being yourself, having confidence, making friends. In real life, she is a quiet loner, hopelessly awkward, and desperate to fit in. Kayla goes through all of the hallmarks of coming of age. Crushing on a boy out of her league, going to a pool party she was only invited to out of obligation, trying to make friends with older kids, disconnecting and reconnecting with her single dad, etc. All of this culminates in her graduation from 8th grade into…
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